
Homeschool Store

Welcome to Learning Cycle.  We are a homeschool store that provides new and used homeschool curriculum.

We are a consignment bookstore which means you can find affordable solutions to meet your particular homeschooling needs.

Open year round - Tuesday to Saturday - 10am to 5pm

About Us

store location

We are centrally located at
1208 Laurens Road
Greenville, SC 29607

send your requests

Send us your list of particular curriculum and/or books and we will:
(1) let you know what we have and 
(2) place that item on hold for you to pick.

If we don't have that item(s) at the moment, we will notify you when it does come in!


We have tried to make consigning as easy as possible. 
Click here for our
consignment policy
and procedure.  

our daughter's books

Our daughter Sydney has recently released her 2nd novel, ' A Journey to Abiding Forgiveness'.  This is a followup to her first book, 'A Journey To Unshakable Faith'. To order these books and for more information, visit her website

Products We Offer

Curriculum, books, games, manipulatives and more!

homeschool curriculum

Is your child a "visual learner".  Do your child thrive more
with text and flashcards in hand?  Every child is
different and you will find
that the variety of
curriculum options
available will help you
get what you need
for your child. 


Literature has helped
carry our stories from
age to age. It has
warned us, comforted
us and entertained us. 
We have a wide
array of literature to
choose from as well 
as reading 
comprehension guides.

supplemental books

Do you want 
your child to dig into
a historical fiction 
novel, or read about
how the periodic 
table came into
being?  Do you want
to supplement them
with books to 
take their learning 
to the next level?  We 
have lots to offer here!

manipulatives & games

Games, puzzles,
flashcards and
have ways to make
learning fun! 
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